Question Types

From radio buttons to Likert scales to allowing respondents to upload files – no matter what data you need, we have the question type to collect it!


Question Types Guide
Did you know Alchemer has 43 different question types? Don't be overwhelmed though; this guide covers each question type, what each looks like, and when to use them. Review the below list of quest
Radio Buttons Question Type
Radio Button questions allow respondents to select a single choice from a list. Use Radio Button questions to ask your respondents to choose a single option from a short list.
Radio Button Grid Question Type
A Radio Button Grid allows respondents to select an answer option (column) for each row in a grid. Use a Radio Button Grid to group a series of radio button questions together that share the same...
Dropdown Menu Question Type
Dropdown Menus are single-select questions with answer options displayed in a dropdown list. We also have the ability to create a multi-select Dropdown Menu. Use Dropdown Menus to ask your respond...
Checkboxes Question Type
Checkbox questions allow your respondents to select multiple answers from a list. Use Checkbox questions to ask your respondents to select multiple answers. On the Question tab of the question edi...
Textbox Question Type
A Textbox question is a short-answer, open-text field. Use Textbox questions to collect a single word or short sentence response. For example, name, street address, or city. We have yet to find a...
Essay / Long Answer Question Type
An Essay question is an open-text field used to gather longer open-text responses. By default, the Essay question does not have a word/character limit. You can determine the response length by set...
Email Question Type
An Email question is a short-answer, open-text field with validation that ensures entries are email addresses. Use Email questions to gather email addresses from your respondents. On a desktop and...
Date Question Type
A Date question is a short-answer, open-text field with validation that ensures entries are dates. You can choose to validate MM/DD/YYYY format or DD/MM/YYYY format. Use Date questions to collect...
Slider Question Type
The Slider is an interactive question that allows respondents to select values from a continuous range by dragging a slider along a range. The Slider is an excellent way to engage your respondents...
Star Rating Grid Question Type
Star Rating Grid questions allow respondents to use stars to rate multiple items (rows) on multiple dimensions (columns). Each star represents the equivalent numeric value for that rating (e.g. Four
Net Promoter Score® Question Type
Net Promoter Score questions are used to gauge customer loyalty. NPS® questions are typically phrased like so: "Based on your experience, how likely are you to recommend Alchemer to a friend or...
File Upload Question Type
The File Upload question type allows you to have your respondents upload up to 10 files and/or documents as part of their survey response.
Drag & Drop Ranking Question Type
Drag & Drop Ranking questions allow respondents to rank a list of items by dragging and dropping each item in order of preference.
Ranking Grid Question Type
Ranking Grid questions allow respondents to rank items in order, by selecting their numeric rank from a table of radio buttons, where each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Rating (Likert Scale) Question Type
A Rating question is a single-select scale question, often referred to as a Likert Scale. Use Rating questions to collect respondents' opinions using answer choices that range from one extreme to...
Video Feedback Question Type
This article covers the Video Feedback Question Type in Alchemer. This includes set up, reporting, and special considerations for collecting video responses.
Number Question Type
A Number question is a short-answer, open-text field with validation that ensures entries are numbers. This is a good question type for collecting things like respondent age.
Percent Question Type
A Percent question is a short-answer, open-text field with validation that ensures entries are percentages.
Image Select (select one) Question Type
The Image Select (select one) question type is a single-select question with clickable images as answer options. Use the Image Select (select one) question to ask your respondents to choose a single
Image Select (multi select) Question Type
The Image Select (multi select) question type displays multiple images to the respondent allowing them to select their answer by clicking directly on the images. Respondents are able to select multip
Image Heatmap Question Type
The Image Heatmap question type allows your survey respondents to provide feedback on an image by clicking anywhere on that image and selecting answer options.
Checkbox Grid Question Type
The Checkbox Grid allows respondents to select multiple answer options (columns) for each row in a table. Use a Checkbox Grid to group a series of checkbox questions together that share the same a...
Text Highlighter Question Type
The Text Highlighter question type allows your survey respondents to provide feedback on text by clicking and highlighting specific pieces of the text sample.
Signature Question Type
The Signature question type allows survey respondents to add their signature using a mouse or touch screen. Respondents can sign and provide their name via an open text field.
Dropdown Menu List Question Type
Dropdown Menu List questions allow respondents to select an option for multiple items (rows) in a list using a uniform set of dropdown answers.
Textbox List Question Type
A Textbox List is a list of short-answer, open-text fields with labels for each row. You can define the textbox width and choose to position the labels on the left or right side of the input field.
Continuous Sum Question Type
Continuous Sum questions allow respondents to enter numeric values (often percentages or dollar amounts) for a list of items that are then summed for a total value.
Slider List Question Type
Learn to engage respondents with the Slider List question type in Alchemer, covering setup and customization options.
Video Sentiment Question Type
The Video Sentiment question type allows your survey respondents to provide continuous feedback while watching a video, by dragging a slider along a range.
Audio Sentiment Question Type
The Audio Sentiment Question Type allows your survey respondents to provide continuous feedback while listening to audio, by dragging a slider along a range.
Cascading Dropdown Menu Question Type
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! The Cascading Dropdown Menu allows you to drill down through hierarchical data by using one dropdown menu as a filter into the next. For example, a com...
Conjoint (Choice-Based)
Conjoint is a market research question used to determine how customers value the various features that make up an individual product or service.
Grouping (Open Card Sort) Question Type
The Card Sort question type is interactive and allows respondents to categorize options by clicking and dragging Items into Groups.Alchemer offers three versions of the Card Sort question.
Grouping (Closed Card Sort) Question Type
The Closed Card Sort question type is interactive and allows respondents to categorize options by clicking and dragging Items into Groups.Alchemer offers three versions of the Card Sort question.
Quick Sort Question Type
The Quick Sort question type is interactive and allows respondents to categorize options by clicking and dragging Items into Groups.Alchemer offers three versions of the Card Sort question.
Dropdown Menu Grid Question Type
The Dropdown Menu Grid allows respondents to select an option for each column and row combination using a uniform dropdown of answers.
Textbox Grid Question Type
The Textbox Grid allows respondents to enter short open-ended text answers to multiple questions in a table format. Each 'cell' in the table is a textbox.
Max Diff Question Type
Using the Max Diff question type respondents are shown a set of the possible attributes and are asked to indicate the best and worst attributes (or most and least important, etc.).
Semantic Differential Question Type
Semantic Differential questions are a form of rating scale designed to identify the connotative meaning of objects, words, or concepts.
Contact Form Question Type
The Contact Form question type is a formatted group of textboxes designed to collect contact information. This question comes with pre-built contact questions which you can customize.
Custom Group Question Type
The Custom Group question type allows you to group questions of different types together and control the layout of the questions, specifically whether there is a line break and the next question disp
Custom Table Question Type
The Custom Table question type allows you to arrange and repeat questions of different types (Radio, Dropdown, Checkbox, Textbox, or Essay) in a table format.
User Data Question Type
If you are using User Data Fields to store data about each of your Alchemer users, you can leverage this data within your surveys by using the User Data question.