Did you know Alchemer has 43 different question types? Don't be overwhelmed though; this guide covers each question type, what each looks like, and when to use them. Review the below list of question types, starting with the basic and most commonly-used question types and ending with the most advanced. Visit each question's full tutorial linked below to learn more.
If this is your first time, this is the best place to start. Get your project off on the right foot! Learn about common survey terms and how the application works.
Top/Bottom Box Scoring is a very common way of reporting and analyzing scale questions. The top/bottom boxes are the highest and lowest rating points on a scale question.
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! The Cascading Dropdown Menu allows you to drill down through hierarchical data by using one dropdown menu as a filter into the next. For example, a com...
One of the most important stages of survey building is the testing stage. Time spent testing your survey and reviewing test data in reports & exports prior to sharing your survey is time well spent.
The legacy Google Sheets Integration has been retired and you will need to use the Google Sheets Integration to push data from Alchemer into Google Sheets.
Browsers do not allow for a radio button option to be de-selected - use this JavaScript that will allow respondents to click their answer to deselect it!
As an Account Administrator for a Team & Enterprise Account, you have the ability to manage the user licenses that you have purchased for your account.
Using Email Lists, you can manage various lists of survey contacts within Alchemer all from one place. Think of it as your survey address book.
Alchemer's embed options allow you to easily include your surveys directly on your own website. Simply copy the embed code and paste it in your website's code. It's really that easy!