Popular Articles

  1. Set Up Disqualify Logic

    Disqualifying survey respondents that do not meet certain criteria to respond is a common survey design practice.
  2. Send Your Survey Via SMS

    Discover how Alchemer's SMS campaigns can boost survey response rates and engage hard-to-reach audiences effectively.
  3. Get Data Into a Survey Through Pre-population

    Often when surveying respondents, you will already have data from your list of contacts that you'd like to include with your survey data without having to ask for this information again.
  4. Answer Option Special Settings: Not Applicable, None/All of the Above

    Using our Special Settings, you can set up answer options such as "None of the above" or "Not applicable" so that other options cannot be selected in tandem.
  5. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

    If you are experiencing strange behavior when building or previewing a survey, we have a clear link cache tool  that usually helps. Another helpful option is to clear your browser's cache and cookies. Here's how to accomplish this in each of the f...
  6. Recommended Header Image Size

    When including an image as part of your survey header on the Style tab we recommend the below image sizes.  Header Images - we recommend images files up to 750px wide and 200px tall. Banner Header Images - If you would like your header image...
  7. Why am I receiving a "There are currently multiple sessions logged in with this username and password" error message when I log in?

    Are you seeing the below message about multiple sessions? Wondering why you are receiving this? Alchemer does not support multiple sessions for the same login credentials. The above error message will be shown if you share login credentials with...
  8. Textbox Question Type

    A Textbox question is a short-answer, open-text field. Use Textbox questions to collect a single word or short sentence response. For example, name, street address, or city. We have yet to find a...
  9. Randomize Answers

    Survey researchers frequently use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within Alchemer you can randomi...
  10. Comment Mode: Leave Comments for Others

    Using Comment Mode, you can collaborate with others to ensure that you are asking the questions you need to ask to get the data you need.