Marketing Survey Solutions

The articles listed here include several scripted solutions for working through various processes in Alchemer.

Scripting and Other Custom Solutions

We’re always happy to help you debug any documented script that is used as is. That said, we do not have the resources to write scripts on demand or to debug a customized script.

If you have customization ideas that you haven't figured out how to tackle, we're happy to be a sounding board for Alchemer features and functionality ideas that might meet your needs. Beyond this, check out our Professional Services; these folks have the scripting chops to help you to achieve what you are looking for!


Glossary of Scripted Solutions
Find specific solutions via various workflows and goals listed below. Each article link displays a overall goal for the scripted solution, as well as steps for success in implementing each script into projects, workflows, and surveys.
Bracket Continuous Values
Convert a continuous value (like age) into bracketed ranges to segment reports or create a pie chart for the data.
Copy Quotas
Carry Logic Quotas from one survey to another to expedite survey building and solutions.
Current Date and Time
Save the current date and/or time in a specific timezone for a response being collected in Alchemer.
Automatic Save and Continue from Share Link
Automatically include a Save and Continue function without requiring a respondent to enter an email address. When following the survey Share Link, respondents return to the in-progress response or the Thank You page if their survey response is completed.
Soft Quotas
Allow respondents to complete their response once past questions with quotas are presented, even if the quotas are later met by another respondent.
CSS Snippets
CSS snippets are available for globally changing interactions across an entire survey, solution, or workflow.
Javascript snippets
Snippets designed to be used in Javascript Actions, not as stand-alone scripts.
Mirror the Order of Randomized Options in Later Questions
Goal   Mirror the order of randomized question options in a later question of the same question type. This solution works for the following question types: Checkbox Question Type Checkbox Grid Question Type Radio Button Question Typ...
Randomize Slider Question Left/Right Labels
Goal Randomize the left/right labels of Slider Questions while maintaining proper values for reporting. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution Add the code found below to a new Javascript Action on the page containing the slider questions th...
Record the Order Randomized Pages are Displayed
Goal Record the order Randomized Pages were presented to a respondent. The below example shows the order three randomized pages were presented in response #11: Effort:     ✔  ✔ ✔ Solution      Step 1:  Randomize     ...
Show One Random Page or Question
Goal Show one random page (or question). See also:   Show Random Pages or Questions Branching: A/B Split Testing in Surveys Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution The solution uses the Hidden Value Action  to create a random numb...
Show Random Pages or Questions, Solutions Page
Goal   Show a random set of pages (or page groups or questions). Solution There are several solutions depending on the options needed. Randomizing Solution # shown Limit to earlier checkbox selection Balance method Balance by ...
Show Random Pages or Questions, Basic Solution
Goal Show a limited number of random pages (or questions). See also:   Show Random Pages or Questions Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution This solution fills a Hidden Value Action   with a list of random values users define. Later p...
Show Random Pages or Questions, Limit by Checkbox question
Goal Show a limited number of random follow up pages (or questions) based on selections made in a Checkbox question.  A Prioritization Option ensures the respondent is always asked about a specific selection if checked (for example: the ...
Show a Random Number of Rows in a Radio Button Grid or Checkbox Grid question
Goal Show a Random Number of Rows in a Radio Button Grid or Checkbox Grid question. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution      Step 1      Add a Radio Button Grid or Checkbox Grid question to the page.    Step 2      Add a ...
Report - Use the 'Custom Javascript' tab (example: make clickable links from text)
Goal   Provide an example to Javascript developers by using Reports > Report Options > CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT.  The example provided converts the URL link text to clickable links.  Solution The solution waits for report elements to load and u...
Share Status of Quotas from a Survey
Goal Share the status of a survey's quotas with other members of an organization or team. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution This solution requires users create a new survey to display the quota counts of the primary survey. Users share...
Timed Quiz or Test
Goal Present a survey with a timed section that must be completed within a specific amount of hours/minutes after the respondent starts the timed section. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution This is a more flexible alternative to the bui...
Validate one number is less than another
Goal Ensure a value is less than (or equal to) another value, for example: ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ Solution      Step 1:      Add two Textbox questions on the same page or different pages with validation to require numbers or currency. ...
Basic Math
You can perform basic math using either Javascript or Lua script in Alchemer.    Javascript Alternative    A Javascript Action allows users to perform basic math and easily save the results to a Textbox question or Hidden Value Act...
Use Webhook Action to Prepopulate Questions
Goal Pre-populate Hidden Value Actions from a Webhook Action where the call returns JSON.  While the Webhook Action has the option to "Use it to pre-populate the following questions" it doesn't recognize JSON, a popular format returned by A...
Autofill tool
Goal Autofill answers on a survey page to speed up your survey testing. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution Create a bookmark in Chrome that runs Javascript to intelligently fill in a survey page. To add the Autofill tool: (1) In Chrome, ...