New Articles

  1. Legacy - CocoaPods Guide

    The Apptentive (Alchemer Mobile) iOS SDK is available via CocoaPods, a dependency manager for Objective-C.
  2. Legacy - Xcode Project Setup Guide

    A quick guide to setting up Alchemer Mobile's Xcode.
  3. Legacy - Testing Your Alchemer Mobile iOS Mobile Integration

    This document will help you verify that Alchemer Mobile Events and Interactions have been properly configured within your app
  4. Legacy - Troubleshooting the Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK

    Here are a few of the more common issues that customers have run into when integrating the Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK in their app.
  5. Legacy - Migrating Alchemer Mobile iOS Versions

    Certain versions of our SDK break compatibility with older versions. If you are migrating from an old version, please follow the migration guides below for each version between the version you are using and the version you are migrating to.
  6. Legacy - iOS Integration Reference

    This document will show you how to integrate the Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK into your app, configure it, and test to make sure it’s working properly.
  7. Legacy - iOS Quick Start Guide

    This documentation will help you quickly start using Alchemer Mobile in your iOS app. For complete documentation, as well as system requirements, see the iOS Integration guide.
  8. iOS UI Customization Cookbook

    This article will share some custom designs and examples of how to translate them into Alchemer Mobile interactions.
  9. Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK Interaction Customization

    A guide to Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK Interaction Customization.
  10. Sample iOS SDK Migration Tasks

    This article includes sample tasks to enter in your issue tracker for migrating to the new Alchemer Mobile iOS SDK.