New Articles

  1. Alchemer Mobile React Native Integration Reference

    How to use the Alchemer Mobile SDK with React Native.
  2. mParticle Migration Guide

    This guide is for customers who move from the native Alchemer Mobile SDK integration to the mParticle Kit integration.
  3. Alchemer Mobile mParticle Integration Guide: iOS

    This document will guide you through setting up the Alchemer Mobile (Apptentive) mParticle Kit through your existing mParticle integration.
  4. Alchemer Mobile mParticle Integration Guide: Android

    This document will guide you through setting up the Alchemer Mobile (Apptentive) mParticle Kit through your existing mParticle integration.
  5. Alchemer Mobile SDK Flutter Plugin Guide

    This Flutter Plugin wraps our existing native Alchemer Mobile Android and iOS SDKs.
  6. Alchemer Mobile Cordova SDK Plugin Guide

    This document will show you how to integrate and configure the Alchemer Mobile Cordova SDK Plugin into your Cordova app.
  7. Legacy - Requesting Ratings on iOS

    iOS 11 will introduce big changes for App Publishers requesting ratings from their customers. Learn about how the Alchemer Mobile Rating Dialog works on iOS 11.
  8. Legacy - iOS SDK Release Notes

    Notes about past improvements to Alchemer Mobile's iOS SDK.
  9. Legacy - iOS SDK Interface Customization

    Alchemer Mobile's iOS SDK is 100% open source, and as such, you can modify the UI and underlying code at any time. This article explains how.
  10. Legacy - Making an APNs Certificate with Password

    This article explains how to make APNs certification with Password, and specifically refers to Apple’s Push Notifications.