Initiate a Workflow When Specific Events Occur in Salesforce

The Salesforce initiator is available for purchase as an add-on. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us for additional information.


Alchemer Workflow’s Salesforce initiator combines advanced survey and Workflow capabilities with Salesforce's powerful CRM platform, allowing you to automate business and sales processes and better close the loop with your customers and prospects.  

Initiating Workflows in response to Salesforce event changes leads to smoother customer and prospect engagement, while speeding up your sales, onboarding, and support processes.  

With the Salesforce initiator, you can: 

  • Initiate Workflows when Salesforce events occur. The Salesforce initiator can listen to two events types, “On Object Create” and “On Object Update".  
  • Choose from over 800 Salesforce objects, and initiate Workflows when any of these objects are created or updated. Here are some examples:  
    • As a customer success manager, automatically initiate an onboarding Workflow when an Opportunity status is changed to "Won".
    • As a sales manager, automatically initiate a closed-lost analysis Workflow when an Opportunity status is changed to "Lost".
  • Utilize pre-built event triggers to initiate Workflows when a Salesforce case is closed, or when an Salesforce Opportunity is Closed-Won or Closed-Lost. 


The user who authenticates the Salesforce Integration with Alchemer must have the following Salesforce permissions: 

  • API Enabled User
  • Customize Application
  • Manage Flows
  • Run Flows
  • Modify All Data
  • Modify Metadata

These permissions are required by Salesforce because this initiator automatically creates a Flow in Salesforce that will trigger the Workflow. These are the permissions needed to create Flows in Salesforce. If you are not comfortable giving these permissions, you can create a Flow on your own and use the Custom Webhook Initiator

The Salesforce initiator is read-only and will NOT modify any Salesforce data.

Additional Requirements for Opportunity Closed Won or Lost Initiators  

Customers using the Salesforce Opportunity Closed Won or Lost Initiators must enable field history for the Stage field for opportunities. 

In Salesforce, you can find this setting under Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Opportunity > Fields & Relationships. Ensure that both the "Stage" box and "Enable Opportunity Field History" box are checked.

  1. Create a new Workflow.
  2. Name your Workflow.
  3. Select the Salesforce button when choosing a Workflow initiator.
  4. Choose the Salesforce initiator that you would like to use.
  5. Authenticate your Salesforce account. For additional guidance on authenticating a Salesforce account with Alchemer, click here.
  6. Depending on the selected Salesforce initiator, you may be required to choose specific records and fields for your initiator to listen to. Complete this section and continue.
    The records and fields available will vary depending on your level of access in Salesforce.
  7. Click the “Finish” button to complete the Salesforce initiator step. Then click “Save”.

Merge Codes

When the webhook fires, Salesforce will pass the following fields to Alchemer Workflow. After configuring this initiator, you can use these fields in merge codes, logic, and other Workflow features.

For more information on how to use these merge codes in your Workflow, check out this article.

 Fields for Salesforce initiator - Case Closed

Salesforce | Case | AccountId

Salesforce | Case | AssetId

Salesforce | Case | CaseNumber

Salesforce | Case | ClosedDate

Salesforce | Case | Comments

Salesforce | Case | ContactEmail

Salesforce | Case | ContactFax

Salesforce | Case | ContactId

Salesforce | Case | ContactMobile

Salesforce | Case | ContactPhone

Salesforce | Case | CreatedById

Salesforce | Case | CreatedDate

Salesforce | Case | Description

Salesforce | Case | Id

Salesforce | Case | IsClosed

Salesforce | Case | IsDeleted

Salesforce | Case | IsEscalated

Salesforce | Case | LastModifiedById

Salesforce | Case | LastModifiedDate

Salesforce | Case | LastReferencedDate

Salesforce | Case | LastViewedDate

Salesforce | Case | MasterRecordId

Salesforce | Case | Origin

Salesforce | Case | OwnerId

Salesforce | Case | ParentId

Salesforce | Case | Priority

Salesforce | Case | Reason

Salesforce | Case | SourceId

Salesforce | Case | Status

Salesforce | Case | Subject

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedCompany

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedEmail

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedName

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedPhone

Salesforce | Case | SystemModstamp

Salesforce | Case | Type

Salesforce | Contact | AccountId

Salesforce | Contact | AssistantName

Salesforce | Contact | AssistantPhone

Salesforce | Contact | Birthdate

Salesforce | Contact | CleanStatus

Salesforce | Contact | CreatedById

Salesforce | Contact | CreatedDate

Salesforce | Contact | Department

Salesforce | Contact | Description

Salesforce | Contact | Email

Salesforce | Contact | EmailBouncedDate

Salesforce | Contact | EmailBouncedReason

Salesforce | Contact | Fax

Salesforce | Contact | FirstName

Salesforce | Contact | HomePhone

Salesforce | Contact | Id

Salesforce | Contact | IndividualId

Salesforce | Contact | IsDeleted

Salesforce | Contact | IsEmailBounced

Salesforce | Contact | Jigsaw

Salesforce | Contact | JigsawContactId

Salesforce | Contact | LastActivityDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastCURequestDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastCUUpdateDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastModifiedById

Salesforce | Contact | LastModifiedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastName

Salesforce | Contact | LastReferencedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastViewedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LeadSource

Salesforce | Contact | MailingAddress

Salesforce | Contact | MailingCity

Salesforce | Contact | MailingCountry

Salesforce | Contact | MailingGeocodeAccuracy

Salesforce | Contact | MailingLatitude

Salesforce | Contact | MailingLongitude

Salesforce | Contact | MailingPostalCode

Salesforce | Contact | MailingState

Salesforce | Contact | MailingStreet

Salesforce | Contact | MasterRecordId

Salesforce | Contact | MobilePhone

Salesforce | Contact | Name

Salesforce | Contact | OtherAddress

Salesforce | Contact | OtherCity

Salesforce | Contact | OtherCountry

Salesforce | Contact | OtherGeocodeAccuracy

Salesforce | Contact | OtherLatitude

Salesforce | Contact | OtherLongitude

Salesforce | Contact | OtherPhone

Salesforce | Contact | OtherPostalCode

Salesforce | Contact | OtherState

Salesforce | Contact | OtherStreet

Salesforce | Contact | OwnerId

Salesforce | Contact | Phone

Salesforce | Contact | PhotoUrl

Salesforce | Contact | ReportsToId

Salesforce | Contact | Salutation

Salesforce | Contact | SystemModstamp

Salesforce | Contact | Title

 Fields for Salesforce initiator - Opportunity Closed Won and Opportunity Closed Lost

Salesforce | Opportunity | AccountId

Salesforce | Opportunity | CloseDate

Salesforce | Opportunity | ContactId

Salesforce | Opportunity | CreatedById

Salesforce | Opportunity | CreatedDate

Salesforce | Opportunity | IsClosed

Salesforce | Primary Contact | FirstName

Salesforce | Primary Contact | LastName

Salesforce | Primary Contact | AccountId

Salesforce | Primary Contact | Email

 Fields for BigCommerce initiator - Case Closed

Salesforce | Case | AccountId

Salesforce | Case | AssetId

Salesforce | Case | CaseNumber

Salesforce | Case | ClosedDate

Salesforce | Case | Comments

Salesforce | Case | ContactEmail

Salesforce | Case | ContactFax

Salesforce | Case | ContactId

Salesforce | Case | ContactMobile

Salesforce | Case | ContactPhone

Salesforce | Case | CreatedById

Salesforce | Case | CreatedDate

Salesforce | Case | Description

Salesforce | Case | Id

Salesforce | Case | IsClosed

Salesforce | Case | IsDeleted

Salesforce | Case | IsEscalated

Salesforce | Case | LastModifiedById

Salesforce | Case | LastModifiedDate

Salesforce | Case | LastReferencedDate

Salesforce | Case | LastViewedDate

Salesforce | Case | MasterRecordId

Salesforce | Case | Origin

Salesforce | Case | OwnerId

Salesforce | Case | ParentId

Salesforce | Case | Priority

Salesforce | Case | Reason

Salesforce | Case | SourceId

Salesforce | Case | Status

Salesforce | Case | Subject

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedCompany

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedEmail

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedName

Salesforce | Case | SuppliedPhone

Salesforce | Case | SystemModstamp

Salesforce | Case | Type

Salesforce | Contact | AccountId

Salesforce | Contact | AssistantName

Salesforce | Contact | AssistantPhone

Salesforce | Contact | Birthdate

Salesforce | Contact | CleanStatus

Salesforce | Contact | CreatedById

Salesforce | Contact | CreatedDate

Salesforce | Contact | Department

Salesforce | Contact | Description

Salesforce | Contact | Email

Salesforce | Contact | EmailBouncedDate

Salesforce | Contact | EmailBouncedReason

Salesforce | Contact | Fax

Salesforce | Contact | FirstName

Salesforce | Contact | HomePhone

Salesforce | Contact | Id

Salesforce | Contact | IndividualId

Salesforce | Contact | IsDeleted

Salesforce | Contact | IsEmailBounced

Salesforce | Contact | Jigsaw

Salesforce | Contact | JigsawContactId

Salesforce | Contact | LastActivityDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastCURequestDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastCUUpdateDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastModifiedById

Salesforce | Contact | LastModifiedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastName

Salesforce | Contact | LastReferencedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LastViewedDate

Salesforce | Contact | LeadSource

Salesforce | Contact | MailingAddress

Salesforce | Contact | MailingCity

Salesforce | Contact | MailingCountry

Salesforce | Contact | MailingGeocodeAccuracy

Salesforce | Contact | MailingLatitude

Salesforce | Contact | MailingLongitude

Salesforce | Contact | MailingPostalCode

Salesforce | Contact | MailingState

Salesforce | Contact | MailingStreet

Salesforce | Contact | MasterRecordId

Salesforce | Contact | MobilePhone

Salesforce | Contact | Name

Salesforce | Contact | OtherAddress

Salesforce | Contact | OtherCity

Salesforce | Contact | OtherCountry

Salesforce | Contact | OtherGeocodeAccuracy

Salesforce | Contact | OtherLatitude

Salesforce | Contact | OtherLongitude

Salesforce | Contact | OtherPhone

Salesforce | Contact | OtherPostalCode

Salesforce | Contact | OtherState

Salesforce | Contact | OtherStreet

Salesforce | Contact | OwnerId

Salesforce | Contact | Phone

Salesforce | Contact | PhotoUrl

Salesforce | Contact | ReportsToId

Salesforce | Contact | Salutation

Salesforce | Contact | SystemModstamp

Salesforce | Contact | Title


 What permissions do I need within Salesforce to set-up and use the Salesforce initiator?

The user who authenticates the Salesforce Integration with Alchemer must have the following Salesforce permissions: API Enabled User, Customize Application, Manage Flows, Run Flows, Modify All Data, Modify Metadata.

 What permissions do I need within Alchemer to set-up and use the Salesforce initiator?

1. The Integration Manager Permission is required to set-up and use the Salesforce initiator. If you don't have this permission you will see the following message when selecting an initiator:
2. To check if you have this permission or grant this permission to someone on your team, go to the left-side product navigation and select the Account drop-down, then click on the User Management tab.
3.  Then select the Users tab under User Management.
4. Click your username or the username for another member of your team.
5. Scroll down to the Permissions section and check if the Integration Manager box is checked. If you are an admin you can check the box for other members of your team.

 Can multiple Workflows initiate off the same Salesforce initiator?

Yes, you can create an unlimited number of Workflows that listen to the same initiator. However, you will need to create a new Workflow and configure the initiator each time. You can reuse the same Salesforce authentication.  

 This initiator doesn't fit my use cases, or I want to provide feedback to the Alchemer Product Team!

Alchemer is committed to continuously releasing updates and enhancements to our Workflow initiators. If you have specific use cases, questions, or just general feedback, we would love to hear it. Contact us here!

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