Explore the various options for customizing your survey's look and feel. Choose a different theme, add a logo, customize your font, and get your survey looking just the way you need.
Teams are an organizational tool to help you manage your users and surveys. Once you assign a survey to a team, it's only visible to users on that team. This can help you with keeping your surveys se
The Test tab of your survey provides you with several options for testing your survey. One of these options is a tool for generating test responses.
Open Text Analysis is useful for quantifying and transforming open text responses into actionable data. Read through responses to each open text question and bucket them into categories.
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your US account! Add a survey with this question to your EU account! Question Repeating (or Question Piping) allows you to repeat a question based on answer option...
A Radio Button Grid allows respondents to select an answer option (column) for each row in a grid. Use a Radio Button Grid to group a series of radio button questions together that share the same...
Ranking Grid questions allow respondents to rank items in order, by selecting their numeric rank from a table of radio buttons, where each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
When using Textbox questions, often you will want to validate the data your respondents enter. It makes analyzing, reporting, and then acting on your data easier when it all conforms to certain formatting. Basic Validation Email addresses, phone...
Alchemer's embed options allow you to easily include your surveys directly on your own website. In this tutorial, we'll cover how to set up the Iframe embed.
Our SPSS export feature not only allows you to export your data to SPSS but will automatically setup and import your variable names, variable types, titles, and value labels for SPSS as well. We do this by exporting directly to SPSS's proprietary .SAV format from Alchemer which makes the export process clean and easy.