Updated Articles

  1. Tableau Data Connector Integration

    Alchemer's Tableau Data Connector Integration allows you to import your Alchemer survey results into Tableau. Once you have added this integration to your Alchemer account, you can get start
  2. Create Permission Groups in Alchemer Pulse

    As an admin, you can limit who can access specific data with permission groups.
  3. How to Invite Teammates to Alchemer Pulse

    To invite a colleague to Alchemer Pulse, go to the widget in the bottom left hand corner, and select Team Management.
  4. Alchemer Pulse Data Permissions FAQ

    Learn how to assign data permission to individual users in your account.
  5. How to Use Custom Roles in Alchemer Pulse

    Learn how to create, assign, remove or edit a custom role in Alchemer Pulse.
  6. Manage Your User Roles in Alchemer Pulse

    Your user roles help you organize and manage access to Alchmer Pulse.
  7. Reset Your Alchemer Pulse Password

    If you forgot your password, you can reset it to get a new password.
  8. Common Terms and Definitions for Alchemer Pulse

    Before you get started, there are a couple of definitions that will help you get to grips with the tool.
  9. Automatically Create and Share Reports in Alchemer Pulse

    Save time by automatically creating and sharing reports and dashboards at your chosen frequency.
  10. Create a Dashboard in Alchemer Pulse

    Use dashboards to create compelling stories with your data, and turn figures into actionable insights