URL Variables are typically used to pass data for pre-population purposes in Alchemer. But, they can also be used to control the way a web application or form works.
The Custom Table question type allows you to arrange and repeat questions of different types (Radio, Dropdown, Checkbox, Textbox, or Essay) in a table format.
The Custom Group question type allows you to group questions of different types together and control the layout of the questions, specifically whether there is a line break and the next question disp
Depending on the survey question that you are working with, a number of different require option are available. Explore this document to learn how to require specific grid rows, or how to limit...
Using a Alchemer quiz you can create a pass/fail quiz or magazine-style tally quizzes – both of which score responses in real-time and give the respondent a score when they finish.
Discover how to effectively use Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer loyalty, optimize surveys, and analyze feedback.
After personnel changes within your organization, you may need to change the account administrator to a new email. If the current account administrator is still at the organization the easiest way to achieve this would be to have them log in and ch...
Using Integrations and Actions you can leverage Alchemer surveys to do so much more than simply collect data. Now you can add on integrations and actions that are not included in your plan.
The Default Language for Alchemer surveys is set to English, but you can change this at the survey or account level if you wish. In order to understand default language, you must understand how Su
There are many reasons why you may not want to include all of your data in a Report. You may only want to see people who answer a specific question a certain way or data from a certain date range.