New Articles

  1. Report - Use the 'Custom Javascript' tab (example: make clickable links from text)

    Goal   Provide an example to Javascript developers by using Reports > Report Options > CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT.  The example provided converts the URL link text to clickable links.  Solution The solution waits for report e...
  2. Basic Math

    You can perform basic math using either Javascript or Lua script in Alchemer.    Javascript Alternative    A Javascript Action allows users to perform basic math and easily save the results to a Textbox question...
  3. Alchemer Release Notes: December 8th, 2020

    Below is this week's log of fixes and improvements: Improvements [Upgrade] – Improved logging around SMS and Email campaign exceptions. [Performance] – Fix implemented where shared reports were not using the date filter fo...
  4. Current Date and Time

    Save the current date and/or time in a specific timezone for a response being collected in Alchemer.
  5. Copy Quotas

    Carry Logic Quotas from one survey to another to expedite survey building and solutions.
  6. Show Random Pages or Questions, Limit by Checkbox question

    Goal Show a limited number of random follow up pages (or questions) based on selections made in a Checkbox question.  A Prioritization Option ensures the respondent is always asked about a specific selection if checked (for example:...
  7. Show One Random Page or Question

    Goal Show one random page (or question). See also:   Show Random Pages or Questions Branching: A/B Split Testing in Surveys Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution The solution uses the Hidden Value Action  to ...
  8. Show Random Pages or Questions, Basic Solution

    Goal Show a limited number of random pages (or questions). See also:   Show Random Pages or Questions Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution This solution fills a Hidden Value Action   with a list of random values u...
  9. Randomize Slider Question Left/Right Labels

    Goal Randomize the left/right labels of Slider Questions while maintaining proper values for reporting. Effort:     ✔ ✔ ✔ Solution Add the code found below to a new Javascript Action on the page containing the slider qu...
  10. Mirror the Order of Randomized Options in Later Questions

    Goal   Mirror the order of randomized question options in a later question of the same question type. This solution works for the following question types: Checkbox Question Type Checkbox Grid Question Type Radio Button Questio...