How to Schedule Reminders in Alchemer Workflow

Sometimes Alchemer Workflow users require multiple respondents to participate in the workflow in a linear way (or a series of responses from the same respondent). This is common for approval workflows. When a workflow user sends a survey invitation, they often need to remind the survey taker to complete the survey, so the workflow isn’t stalled. 

Scheduling Reminders in Alchemer Workflow

Depending on your use case, there are a few different approaches to scheduling reminders through Alchemer Workflow, here is one example: 

1. Add a delay step and specify when you would like the reminder to go out after the initial survey invite was sent. 

2. Add an If/Else logic block after the survey step that you'd like to send the reminder for. Click add condition. 

3. Select the survey you'd like to use for your If/Else logic block. 4. Select "Response Status" as your condition then select "is one of the following" as your operator and "Not Started" as your status. 

5. Drag steps inside the logic block that will trigger if the conditions are met. In this example, we are sending a reminder survey invite and survey. 

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