What's Changing in the Standard Report

It's been about eight months since we released the Standard Report. We've been gathering feedback and thought it was time for an upgrade to the user interface! 

We know that changes to the interface can be inconvenient; we hope this article helps to get you up to speed so you can go on about your business.  

New Chart Type Option

A while back we added a bunch of new chart types, but they were pretty hard to find. We've added a Chart Type link available on each report element so you can easily change the chart used to display the data in your questions. 

Individual Report Element Layout Options

If you wish to make changes to the display of an individual report element click Layout & Options to the right of the chart. 

Global/Overall Report Options

Many of the report options that were available in the left panel have been moved. They can be accessed under Overall Options in the upper-right corner.  This includes all of the options for Layout, Answer Options, Charts, Grid-Type Questions and DIY Tables, Language, and Crosstab, .

The Bulk Edit Elements option has also moved to the upper-right corner of the report. Use this to quickly add, delete, and reorder questions, bulk remove, or change the chart type for a number of questions at once.

Changing the Report Name

There are two options for changing the report name. The easiest option is to click directly on the existing report name and edit the text there. You can also update the name via Overall Options.

Insert Tool

The Insert button has shifted to the right a bit.

Filter & Compare Segments

The filtering and segmentation tools are in the same location in the left sidebar but they look a bit different.

Combine Results

If you wish to combine the results from multiple surveys into one report you can do so just above the report to the right.

Sharing and Downloading the Report 

The options to share and download the report are still in the upper-right corner above the report (the share option that was in the left sidebar has been removed).

Report Style

Don't miss the report styling tools at the bottom of the left sidebar. 


The option to add responses to your report has been changed a bit. Responses can be added to your report via the Insert button available between any two elements on the right. Click Insert and select Response Table to insert the survey responses into the report. 

Collapsing the Sidebar

When you're not using the sidebar you can click Collapse Sidebar at the bottom to give your data more real estate.

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