Popular Articles

  1. Create Unique Links to Invite by Other System

    Because Alchemer Email Campaigns create unique links for each contact there are a number of benefits to using email campaigns to share your survey including respondent tracking, built-in duplicate protection, and save and continue. If you are look...
  2. Set Up Skip Logic

    Alchemer logic features allow you to customize your survey for each respondent. This will save your respondents from survey fatigue and improve your data quality.
  3. Add a Comment Field to Questions

    Use Comments to add an open-text comment field questions in your survey. Comments can be added to many question types in Alchemer.
  4. Dropdown Menu Question Type

    Dropdown Menus are single-select questions with answer options displayed in a dropdown list. We also have the ability to create a multi-select Dropdown Menu. Use Dropdown Menus to ask your respond...
  5. Simple Piping: Display Previous Answers in Your Survey

    Using simple piping, a.k.a merge codes, you can display a single answer from a previous question on a later page. This is typically used in the question title or in a text/instruction element.
  6. Set Up Your Own Panel Integration

    Alchemer is happy to help you with purchasing panel responses, but if you prefer to go it alone, you can use almost any panel company to purchase survey responses. Panel companies match their pool
  7. Rating (Likert Scale) Question Type

    A Rating question is a single-select scale question, often referred to as a Likert Scale. Use Rating questions to collect respondents' opinions using answer choices that range from one extreme to...
  8. Advanced Merge Code Customizations

    In this tutorial, we will discuss some advanced customizations for merge codes including formatting and transforming data in merge codes and replacing strings within merge codes.
  9. Randomize Pages

    Survey researchers use randomization as a tool to combat survey bias. Randomizing the order of questions, pages, and/or answer options in your survey prevents bias introduced by order and/or surve...
  10. Add a Custom Favicon on Browser Tab

    Follow these quick steps to create your own favicon, upload it to Alchemer and insert the necessary code.