New Articles

  1. How to Find and Return Contacts from Microsoft Dynamics

    Alchemer's integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows you to easily push survey data from Alchemer into Dynamics to update contacts or pull data from Dynamics contact records into Alchemer.
  2. Alchemer Release Notes: April 2024

    April release notes for all Alchemer products.
  3. MAUI Plugin Guide for iOS and Android

    This guide will walk you through the process of integrating the Plugin.Maui.Apptentive iOS and Android SDKs into your MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) app.
  4. How to Find and Return or Update a Salesforce Contact

    Pull data from Salesforce contact records into Alchemer or push survey data from Alchemer into Salesforce contact records.
  5. How to Stop a Workflow

    To stop respondents from moving through a workflow, either for all respondents or just a particular group of respondents, add a Stop Step.
  6. How to Delay Workflow Steps

    Sometimes it is advantageous to add a delay in between workflow steps. This helps to stagger workflow steps and creates a more natural experience for recipients.
  7. Using Logic in a Workflow

    Like Alchemer Survey, If/Else Logic can be applied to workflows in Alchemer Workflow. If/Else Logic orchestrates what subsequent steps are taken according to defined conditions.
  8. Sending Emails through Alchemer Workflow

    The Send Email Step sends an email notification to an identified recipient. This recipient could be a customer or an internal stakeholder, like a member of your customer support team.
  9. Sending Survey Invites and Surveying

    Survey Invite Step The Survey Invite step of a workflow is how surveys are delivered to respondents. The Survey Invite step functions like a typical  email campaign within Alchemer  and has similar customization and functiona...
  10. Workflow Versioning

    As you create and edit workflows, new versions of the workflow are created each time you click publish.