The Slack initiator is available for purchase as an add-on. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us for additional information.
The Slack initiator for Alchemer Workflow allows you to quickly initiate Workflows for each member of a Slack channel. Alchemer Workflow, along with the Slack initiator, facilitate rapid feedback collection and enable effective feedback routing, ensuring that valuable insights are directed to the right teams or individuals within your organization.
With Alchemer and Slack, you and your team can initiate Workflows whenever:
- The associated slash command is executed in a Slack channel or as a direct message.
1. Create a new Workflow.
2. Name your Workflow.
3. Scroll down and select the Slack button when choosing a Workflow initiator.
4. Select the slash command event as your Workflow initiator.
5. Click the "Next" button on the initiator overview screen.
6. Click on "New Authentication."
7. Name your authentication then input your Slack Signing Secret.
For guidance on locating your Slack Signing Secret, please refer to Slack's documentation.
8. Click the "Create" button and then login to Slack, via the Slack authentication window.
9. Create the new slash command that you would like to use for initiating the Workflow. When creating the slash command, paste the provided Slash Command Public URL into the Request URL field in Slack.
For guidance on creating slash command's, refer to Slack's documentation.
10. Click "Save" to complete the Slack Workflow initiator.
Merge Codes
When the webhook fires, Slack will pass the following fields to Alchemer Workflow. After configuring this initiator, you can use these fields in merge codes, logic, and other Workflow features.
For more information on how to use these merge codes in your Workflow, check out this article.
Fields for Slack initiator - Slash Command
Slack | Channel | channel_id
Slack | Channel | channel_name
Slack | Channel | command
Slack | User | email
Slack | User | first_name
Slack | User | last_name
Slack | User | user_id
Example Use Case
The Sunshine Software Sales Enablement Team conduct bi-weekly sales enablement training sessions and wants to enhance these sessions by gathering feedback from the sales team. They also want to streamline the process of directing this feedback to sales managers.
To achieve this, the Sales Enablement Team leverages the Alchemer Workflow Slack integration. They start by setting up a Sales Training Feedback Workflow and then create a custom slash command in Slack linked to this Workflow. Following each training session, they execute the slash command in the #Sales channel, initiating the Workflow for all its members.
This approach not only facilitates the swift collection of feedback from the Sales team but also reduces the need for repetitive manual tasks and the hassle of maintaining outdated email lists. The team also incorporates steps within the Sales Training Feedback Workflow to ensure that specific feedback points are routed to Sales Management.
With Alchemer Workflow and the Slack initiator, the Sales Enablement Team has the tools and information necessary to quickly improve their sales enablement program.
1. The Integration Manager Permission is required to set-up and use the Slack initiator. If you don't have this permission you will see the following message when selecting an initiator:2. To check if you have this permission or grant this permission to someone on your team, go to the left-side product navigation and select the Account drop-down, then click on the user management tab.
3. Then select the Users tab under User Management.
4. Click your username or the username for another member of your team.
5. Scroll down to the Permissions section and check if the Integration Manager box is checked. If you are an admin you can check the box for other members of your team.
Yes, you can create an unlimited number of Workflows that listen to the same initiator. However, you will need to create a new Workflow and configure the initiator each time. You can reuse the same Slack authentication.
Alchemer is committed to continuously releasing updates and enhancements to our Workflow initiators. If you have specific use cases, questions, or just general feedback, we would love to hear it. Contact us here!