Alchemer Workflow Microsoft Dynamics Initiator

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 initiator is available for purchase as an add-on. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact us for additional information.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a set of enterprise accounting and sales software products. This initiator combines advanced survey and Workflow capabilities with Microsoft's powerful CRM platform, allowing you to automate business and sales processes and better close the loop with your customers and prospects.  

Initiating Workflows in response to event changes leads to smoother customer and prospect engagement, while speeding up your sales and business processes.  

With the Dynamics Initiator, you can initiate Workflows in Alchemer whenever:

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 initiator uses Power Automate. Refer to Microsoft's Power Automate documentation for additional guidance. 


Opportunity Updated 

1.  Create a new Workflow. 

2. Name the new Workflow. 

3. Select Microsoft Dynamics 365 as your Workflow initiator. 

4. Select Opportunity Updated as the event you want to initiate a Workflow off of. 

5. Click "Next" on the initiator overview screen. 

6. Select "New Authentication" 

7. Name your new authentication then provide your Microsoft Dynamics 365 URL. When complete, click "Create". 

Provide the full URL to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance. Example:

8. Copy the Webhook URL, you will need this URL to configure the Webhook on the Microsoft side. Click "Save" and then go to your Microsoft Dynamics account.

9. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, create a new Power Automate Flow.

For this Alchemer Workflow initiator, you will use Power Automate flows in conjunction with Microsoft Dataverse connectors. Refer to the following documentation for additional guidance: 

10. In the My Flows tab, select "Automated cloud flow." 

10. Add a trigger to your flow. For the Opportunity Updated initiator, you will use one of the triggers provided by Microsoft Dataverse connector, "When a row is added, modified or deleted". 

In the search bar below, search Dataverse and select "When a row is added, modified or deleted".

For additional guidance on setting up the triggers provided by the Microsoft Dataverse connector, refer to Microsoft's documentation.

11. Click on your new trigger and navigate to the Parameters tab. See the image below for what the parameters might look like for an opportunity updated trigger.

12. With the trigger complete, define the action in your flow. In this example, we want to use an outbound HTTP action to call the webhook URL provided by Alchemer. When called, the Workflow in Alchemer will initiate.

13.  In the HTTP action parameters, complete the following items: 

  • Paste the Webhook URL provided by Alchemer into the URL field. 
  • Set the method to POST
  • Set the Body to send the opportunity ID in a JSON object with a key for 'opportunityID'. 

Click "Save" when complete.

To complete this step, you send field in the body named 'opportunityId' that passes the opportunity ID from Microsoft Dynamics. Use the field selector to add the field from Dynamics to the body.

14. Return to Alchemer Workflow, and click "Save" to complete the Opportunity Updated initiator. 

Merge Codes - Opportunity Updated Webhook  

When the webhook fires, Microsoft Dynamics 365 will pass the following fields to Alchemer Workflow. After configuring this initiator, you can use these fields in merge codes, logic, and other Workflow features.

For more information on how to use these merge codes in your Workflow, check out this article.

 Fields for Jira initiator - Issue Webhook

Dynamics | Account | _ownerid_value

Dynamics | Account | _owningteam_value

Dynamics | Account | _primarycontactid_value

Dynamics | Account | accountid

Dynamics | Account | address1_addressid

Dynamics | Account | address1_addresstypecode

Dynamics | Account | address1_city

Dynamics | Account | address1_composite

Dynamics | Account | address1_country

Dynamics | Account | address1_line1

Dynamics | Account | address1_line2

Dynamics | Account | address1_line3

Dynamics | Account | address1_longitude

Dynamics | Account | address1_name

Dynamics | Account | address1_postofficebox

Dynamics | Account | address1_primarycontactname

Dynamics | Account | address1_stateorprovince

Dynamics | Account | address1_telephone1

Dynamics | Account | address1_telephone2

Dynamics | Account | address1_telephone3

Dynamics | Account | donotbulkemail

Dynamics | Account | donotemail

Dynamics | Account | donotphone

Dynamics | Account | donotsendmm

Dynamics | Account | emailaddress1

Dynamics | Account | emailaddress2

Dynamics | Account | emailaddress3

Dynamics | Account | name

Dynamics | Account | opendeals

Dynamics | Account | stageid

Dynamics | Account | statuscode

Dynamics | Account | telephone1

Dynamics | Account | telephone2

Dynamics | Account | telephone3

Dynamics | Contact | _accountid_value

Dynamics | Contact | _createdby_value

Dynamics | Contact | _originatingleadid_value

Dynamics | Contact | _ownerid_value

Dynamics | Contact | _owningbusinessunit_value

Dynamics | Contact | _owningteam_value

Dynamics | Contact | _owninguser_value

Dynamics | Contact | _parentcontactid_value

Dynamics | Contact | _parentcustomerid_value

Dynamics | Contact | accountrolecode

Dynamics | Contact | address1_addressid

Dynamics | Contact | address1_city

Dynamics | Contact | address1_composite

Dynamics | Contact | address1_country

Dynamics | Contact | address1_county

Dynamics | Contact | address1_latitude

Dynamics | Contact | address1_line1

Dynamics | Contact | address1_line2

Dynamics | Contact | address1_line3

Dynamics | Contact | address1_longitude

Dynamics | Contact | address1_name

Dynamics | Contact | address1_postalcode

Dynamics | Contact | address1_postofficebox

Dynamics | Contact | address1_primarycontactname

Dynamics | Contact | address1_stateorprovince

Dynamics | Contact | address1_telephone1

Dynamics | Contact | address1_telephone2

Dynamics | Contact | address1_telephone3

Dynamics | Contact | address1_utcoffset

Dynamics | Contact | adx_identity_emailaddress1confirmed

Dynamics | Contact | company

Dynamics | Contact | contactid

Dynamics | Contact | createdon

Dynamics | Contact | customersizecode

Dynamics | Contact | department

Dynamics | Contact | donotbulkemail

Dynamics | Contact | donotemail

Dynamics | Contact | donotphone

Dynamics | Contact | donotpostalmail

Dynamics | Contact | donotsendmm

Dynamics | Contact | emailaddress1

Dynamics | Contact | emailaddress2

Dynamics | Contact | emailaddress3

Dynamics | Contact | externaluseridentifier

Dynamics | Contact | firstname

Dynamics | Contact | followemail

Dynamics | Contact | fullname

Dynamics | Contact | gendercode

Dynamics | Contact | jobtitle

Dynamics | Contact | lastname

Dynamics | Contact | lastusedincampaign

Dynamics | Contact | middlename

Dynamics | Contact | mobilephone

Dynamics | Contact | modifiedon

Dynamics | Contact | nickname

Dynamics | Contact | salutation

Dynamics | Contact | stageid

Dynamics | Contact | statecode

Dynamics | Contact | statuscode

Dynamics | Contact | suffix

Dynamics | Contact | telephone1

Dynamics | Contact | telephone2

Dynamics | Contact | telephone3

Dynamics | Contact | websiteurl

Dynamics | Contact | yomifullname

Dynamics | Contact | yomimiddlename

Dynamics | Opportunity | _accountid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _campaignid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _contactid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _createdby_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _customerid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _modifiedby_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _msdyn_accountmanagerid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _msdyn_contractorganizationalunitid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _msdyn_segmentid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _originatingleadid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _ownerid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _owningbusinessunit_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _owninguser_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _parentaccountid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | _parentcontactid_value

Dynamics | Opportunity | actualclosedate

Dynamics | Opportunity | completefinalproposal

Dynamics | Opportunity | completeinternalreview

Dynamics | Opportunity | createdon

Dynamics | Opportunity | decisionmaker

Dynamics | Opportunity | description

Dynamics | Opportunity | emailaddress

Dynamics | Opportunity | estimatedclosedate

Dynamics | Opportunity | msdyn_opportunityscoretrend

Dynamics | Opportunity | name

Dynamics | Opportunity | opportunityid

Dynamics | Opportunity | opportunityratingcode

Dynamics | Opportunity | presentfinalproposal

Dynamics | Opportunity | prioritycode

Dynamics | Opportunity | salesstage

Dynamics | Opportunity | salesstagecode

Dynamics | Opportunity | sendthankyounote

Dynamics | Opportunity | stageid

Dynamics | Opportunity | statecode

Dynamics | Opportunity | statuscode

Dynamics | Opportunity | stepid

Dynamics | Opportunity | stepname

Dynamics | Opportunity | totalamount

Custom Power Automate Webhook

1.  Create a new Workflow. 

2. Name the new Workflow. 

3. Select Microsoft Dynamics 365 as your Workflow initiator. 

4. Select "Customer Power Automate Webhook" and then click "Next". 

5. Click "Next" on the initiator overview screen 

6. Copy the Webhook URL, you will need this URL to configure the Webhook on the Microsoft side. Click "Save" and then open your Microsoft Dynamics account.

7. In Microsoft Dynamics 365, create a new Power Automate flow or modify an existing flow.

8. In the My Flows tab, select "Automated cloud flow." 

9. Name your flow and choose the flow's trigger. Then complete configuration for your chosen flow trigger.

For additional information on the available Power Automate flow triggers, refer to Microsoft's documentation

10. With the trigger complete, define the action in your flow. In this example, we want to use an outbound HTTP action to call the webhook URL provided by Alchemer. When called, the Workflow in Alchemer will initiate.

11.  In the HTTP action parameters, complete the following items: 

  • Paste the Webhook URL provided by Alchemer into the URL field. 
  • Select POST or GET as the method. 
  • Add fields that you want Dynamics to pass to the Alchemer Workflow, as query parameters or in the body as JSON.

Click "Save" when complete.

12. Return to Alchemer Workflow, and define what Custom Fields Alchemer should accept.

The Custom Field names in Alchemer must match exactly the field keys added as query parameters or in the body as JSON.

13. Click "Save" to complete the initiator.

Merge Codes - Custom Power Automate Webhook

When the webhook fires, Microsoft Dynamics 365 will pass any custom fields, you defined, to Alchemer Workflow. After configuring this initiator, you can use these fields in merge codes, logic, and other Workflow features.

For more information on how to use these merge codes in your Workflow, check out this article.


 What permissions do I need within Alchemer to set-up and use the Microsoft Dynamics initiator?

1. The Integration Manager Permission is required to set-up and use the Microsoft Dynamics initiator. If you don't have this permission, you will see the following message when selecting an initiator:
2. To grant this permission to someone on your team, go to the left-side product navigation and select the Account drop-down, then click on the User Management tab.
3. Then select the Users tab under User Management.
4. Click the username for another member of your team.
5. Scroll down to the Permissions section and check if the Integration Manager box is checked. If you are an admin you can check the box for other members of your team.

 This initiator doesn't fit my use cases, or I want to provide feedback to the Alchemer Product Team!

Alchemer is committed to continuously releasing updates and enhancements to our Workflow initiators. If you have specific use cases, questions, or just general feedback, we would love to hear it. Contact us here!

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