Alchemer Digital – Survey Use Cases

Alchemer Digital Surveys are intended to help you gather feedback from your customers and understand the “why” behind some of the closed-ended or quantitative feedback.

Surveys can be configured in your existing Alchemer Digital dashboard and launched within minutes. If you’re looking for information on survey basics and dashboard set-up, please visit our Surveys page. 

Ways to Use Surveys

Gather Product Feedback

Do you know how your customers feel about your app or website? What about a particular feature you are planning to roll out or have rolled out? How do you know which feature will have the biggest impact on your customers? 

If you haven’t considered some of these questions, you may want to set up a Survey to gather feedback from your customers on your product. Asking for feedback before building something ensures you are enhancing features that your customers will be excited about; understanding how a new release is affecting those who use your app ensures that you can keep those customers around. There is also an added bonus of your customers feeling heard and appreciated, which can also make them stick around longer!

Examples of Product Feedback Surveys:

  • What should we build next?
  • Specific feature feedback
  • Feature improvement feedback(?) 
  • What did you come to the app or site for/did you find what you needed?

Capture Customer Sentiment

If you’re looking for a snapshot in time, a rating on a particular feature, or to track a satisfaction score over time, a Survey can be a great solution for that. 

Examples of Customer Sentiment Surveys:

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    • If you’re running an NPS Survey, always be sure to include an open-ended question as a follow up to understand why they provided that score. You can find more NPS tips here.
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
  • Range question (How would you rate?)

Link Prompts and Surveys

Introduce a Survey via an Alchemer Digital Prompt (formerly Notes) to allow customers to opt-in to taking the Survey. This also allows you to give customers an idea of how long the Survey is expected to take. Surveys linked from Prompts have an average response rate of 54%, according to our 2020 Benchmark report.

Prompt-linked Surveys can be used to recruit Beta testers for your app, or as a form of a micro-survey.

The micro-survey option allows you to redirect people to a different Survey depending on how they answer the question in your Prompt. You are limited to just three linked choices in this initial Prompt-Survey (as seen below), but it’s a clever way to ask different follow-up questions based on their answer to your Prompt.

Based on the selection within the Prompt that a person clicks on, they can be brought to a different Survey.

Ad Feedback/Recall

Surveys are a great way to measure the effectiveness of ads within your app, or gather feedback for advertising partners. 

Company/Situational Feedback

Capture feedback on recent orders, interactions in your store or with a staff member, or your teams’ handling of a current moment. For example, during the COVID pandemic, customers using Alchemer Digital asked their customers for feedback on how they were handling it, what more they could do as a company, and what their customers wanted to see from them. See more examples of that here

  • Pulse on a current situation 
  • Feedback about recent order/in-store experience

Analyzing Survey Feedback

Once you’ve collected feedback, make sure you’re taking a look so you and your team can act accordingly. Alchemer Digital Insights allows you to analyze open-ended feedback and search for specific terms, highlight key phrases and understand sentiment of your customers feedback. Taking the time to analyze and act on customer insights can improve brand loyalty and retention.

We also offer Survey exports, and daily reports, on the Surveys page of the dashboard. 

Looking for help on Targeting Surveys? Check out our guide here.

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