Updated Articles

  1. Alchemer Mobile Surveys

    Alchemer Mobile Surveys enable you to collect structured feedback, in-app, from your customers.
  2. Alchemer Survey Gladly Integration

    The Alchemer Gladly Integration is available as an add-on. If you are interested in purchasing the Gladly Integration, please contact us for additional information. At a high-level, Alchemer's integration with Gladly allows you to easily:...
  3. Send a Reminder or Thank You Email

    Under the Campaign Designer step of your Email Campaign, below your initial invite, you will have an option to add a reminder or a thank you message.
  4. Export or Import Fields for Translation

    In case the person responsible for creating the translated version of a survey is not be the person creating the survey, all translatable fields can be exported as a spreadsheet and re-imported...
  5. Getting Started with Alchemer Workflow

    Alchemer Workflow is a product that was purpose-built to help organizations act on customer feedback and close the feedback loop with their customers. It is a no-code feedback workflow engine that connects feedback to your teams
  6. How to Report on a Workflow

    Exporting Survey Response Data from a Workflow The Exports feature in Alchemer Workflow allows users to export a CSV file for every survey linked within a workflow. These CSV exports include all the survey and response data, along with workflow a...
  7. How to Monitor a Workflow

    Once a workflow is published and active, you can monitor the status of each respondent’s run.
  8. How to Publish Your Workflow

    When you are ready to open up your workflow to respondents for the first time, first click “publish” to publish the workflow, then activate it to allow respondents to progress through. If you'd like to stop the workflow at any time, toggle the status to inactive.
  9. How to Test Your Workflow

    After building a workflow, it is important to test each step of the flow. Like Alchemer Survey, Alchemer Workflow utilizes distinct tabs that help with each phase of workflow development and monitoring process.
  10. How to Stop a Workflow

    To stop respondents from moving through a workflow, either for all respondents or just a particular group of respondents, add a Stop Step.