
The Quiz is a unique and powerful project type that is so feature rich it merits its own category.


Create a Quiz
Using a Alchemer quiz you can create a pass/fail quiz or magazine-style tally quizzes – both of which score responses in real-time and give the respondent a score when they finish...
Add a Quiz Score Action to Any Project
If you create a Quiz from your dashboard a quiz score action will be automatically included (the default quiz type is Answer Key but you can toggle to a Tally). If you already have a survey built out with the questions you'd like score, don't panic...
Record a Quiz Score for Each Page or Topic
Did you know you can add multiple quiz scores to a survey to create a score for each page or other sub-section of the survey you define? For example, we created a Alchemer Hero Quiz to test respondents' Alchemer knowledge. Each page of the survey w...
Set Up Logic Based on a Quiz Score
Did you know you can set up logic in your survey based on a quiz score? For example, you may wish to send a different email notification based on the score. Or perhaps you want to display a different thank you message based on the score. You can...
Send Quiz Score Information in an Email Notification
Send Email Actions can be used to send quiz score results to project administrators and/or the respondents themselves. In this tutorial we'll cover how to set this up, as well as how to use logic to send different messages based on the score! ...
Quiz Score Results in Reports and Exports
One of the little-known benefits of Quiz Score Actions is the flexibility of the data you can collect, store and display. Quiz score merge codes can be used to dynamically pull and display information about how the respondent did. Using merge cod...
Hide Quiz Score Action from Displaying to Respondents
Hiding the quiz score from displaying to survey respondents in a survey is a fairly common request. Fortunately it is really quite easy!
Create a Personality Quiz
A personality quiz is a series of questions (usually multiple-choice) designed to reveal something about the respondent. In a personality quiz there are no definite right or wrong answers. Instead, the answers respondents provide are compiled to pro...
How Does Quiz Scoring Work?
As we discuss in our Create a Quiz Tutorial, there are two ways to score quizzes: Pass/Fail and Tally. In this tutorial, we will go into detail about how each scoring method works.