The Login/Password action allows you to set up access protection for your survey. Respondents will be required to log in to take your survey.
Webhooks allow you to communicate with external webpages via an HTTP POST or GET standard, allowing you to send receive data, all behind the scenes.
In order to create a secure link that uses your private domain, you'll need to set up your SSL certificate within Alchemer.
For many research projects, the ability to ensure survey respondents that their answers are anonymous is essential to the project's success. Anonymous surveys in Alchemer do not store IP or geo-lo
Using the Survey Transfer Tool, Account Administrators can transfer a copy of their surveys, as well as, their corresponding responses and reports, from one account to another.
Check it out in an example survey ! Add a survey with this question to your account! For Textbox and Essay/Long Answer questions you can set a Minimum and/or Maximum Character Count for entries in these fields. Essay/Long Answer questi...
Within Alchemer you can create surveys using specifically formatted text copied and pasted from a Word document or other text editor.
The Save & Continue Survey Setting adds an option for survey respondents to enter their email address to receive a link to return to their survey later.
Conjoint is a market research question used to determine how customers value the various features that make up an individual product or service.
Max Diff questions ask respondents to choose the best and worst attributes from a set, revealing relative importance easily.