New Articles

  1. Alchemer Workflow ZohoSign Integration

    Automate the process of sending documents for signing, after events occur in Alchemer Workflow.
  2. Bring in Survey Data from Alchemer Digital into Alchemer Survey

    To configure and use this integration, you must have access to both Alchemer Survey and Alchemer Digital .   This integration allows you to:  Pull conversation details from Alchemer Digital into a survey in Alchemer Survey.  Per...
  3. Bring in Survey Data from Alchemer Digital into Alchemer Survey

    This integration allows you to pull conversation details from Alchemer Digital into a survey in Alchemer Survey.
  4. Share an Alchemer Survey via Alchemer Digital Prompts

    When using Alchemer Digital, there may be instances where you want to use Alchemer Survey's advanced research capabilities via an Alchemer Digital Prompt.
  5. Initiate a Workflow When Specific Events Occur in Salesforce

    The Salesforce initiator is available for purchase as an add-on . If you are interested in purchasing,  please   contact us   for additional information. Overview  Alchemer Workflow’s Salesforce initiator combines ad...
  6. Initiate a Workflow from a Salesforce Flow

    Learn how to initiate a Workflow from a Salesforce Flow with Alchemer. Understand the key differences in permissions and trigger conditions compared to other Salesforce initiators, and discover why this method is preferred by most users.
  7. List of All Alchemer Integrations

    Alchemer knows that every organization—and department within it—has different processes, software platforms, and goals. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to connect feedback data into the same platforms and processes in a way that makes sense for you, putting feedback in the hands of those who can take action on it.
  8. Alchemer Survey Snowflake Integration

    The Alchemer Snowflake Integration is available as an add-on. If you are interested in purchasing the Snowflake Integration, please  contact us for additional information. At a high-level, Alchemer's integration with Snowflake allows you...
  9. Alchemer Workflow Gladly Push/Pull Integration

    With the Alchemer Workflow Gladly integration, you can push or pull data from a workflow into or out of Gladly.
  10. Assigning Integration Owners

    This document outlines the details of team ownership for integrations in Alchemer Workflow.