Common Terms and Definitions for Alchemer Pulse

Before you get started, there are a couple of definitions that will help you get to grips with the tool.


Anomaly Alert: These can be set up in the workflow selection and are triggered if a response is outside of your pre-set parameters


Category: Themes are grouped together under predefined umbrella categories.


Impact Analysis: This is the breakdown of your NPS score and the impact that each theme currently has on your score.


Metadata: This is the data that is attributed to each response, it can tell you when the response was submitted, the location it came from etc. The metadata is also filterable.


Net Sentiment:  This is our own metric, calculated by subtracting % of Negative theme mentions from % of Positive ones. The metric is a universal approach to measuring customer experience across various channels. It works on a scale ranging from -100 to 100. 

Negativity Index: Measures the number of negative theme mentions within a set of responses based on your filter selection


Positivity Index: Measures the number of positive theme mentions within a set of responses based on your filter selection


Segments: Segments are variables or attributes of your comments. For example, you may have a segment named "United Kingdom". Selecting this would return all comments from customers based in the United Kingdom.

Sentiment (Negativity / Positivity): This is the number of Negative or Positive theme mentions per 100 responses. 

Sentiment Distribution: Ratio of positive, neutral and negative theme mentions for a given number of responses.


Theme: Customer feedback is analysed and tagged with one or more themes. Each theme is characterised as either a positive mention or a negative mention.  

Theme Structure: When Alchemer Pulse first analyse your data our tool creates a “theme structure” by examining what topics are consistently being mentioned. These topics are then added into categories that suit your business. From here we can tag comments with theme mentions.

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