Save the combination of Themes and Filters that matter to you
If there are specific combinations of Themes and Filters that you would like to check periodically, you can create and save those as Segments. You can also share Segments with your team. Segments are created on the Feedback page, but they can also be used on the Reports and Workflows page.
Save segments
Step 1. Go to the Feedback page.Step 2. Select the Theme(s) you’d like to include in the Segment.
For example, if you need to regularly check the feedback regarding Access / Login under the Bug/Glitch Theme, you would select this here.
Step 3. Customise the required Filters on the left side of the page.
a) Filter feedback that contains certain Keywords such as unable (e.g., unable to access, unable to login).
b) Filter feedback that includes a specific Company name.
Step 4. Click Saved segments above the list of Filters.And then select Add New.
Give it a name and click on the checkmark to save it.
It's now saved under Saved segments.
When you hover the mouse over a segment, its details (e.g., type of theme, filters and/or parameters, etc.) will be displayed.
Update segments
When you've selected a saved Segment and you update any of the filters, the update icon will appear next to the Segment name of as shown below. Click the update icon to save your changes.
Rename, Share, or Delete Segments
Step 1. Click Saved segments above the list of Filters.
Step 2. Select Manage. On the screen that will appear, you can:
View all the segments you created under MY SEGMENTS
Share, switch to Private, or Delete segments you created.
Once you've completed your updates, click Save Changes.