Alchemer Digital - Prompts Use Cases

Notes are now Prompts! Now, not only can you use all of the standard Notes features, but also add images to your in-app Prompts.

Alchemer Digital Prompts are designed to help you alert your customers to new features, share updates about your app and brick & mortar locations, encourage customers to take a Survey, promote in-person and virtual events and so much more. 

Prompts can be configured in your existing Alchemer Digital dashboard and launched within minutes. They allow you to proactively communicate with your customers and share updates, while leveraging Alchemer Digital sophisticated targeting capabilities.

Ways to use Prompts

Unveil a New Feature

Alert your customers to a new feature, especially if it is one that is often requested. This allows you to close the feedback loop with your customers, while also ensuring adoption and awareness of new features. 

If your app supports deep linking, you can link your customers directly to the feature from a Prompt to explore it on their own.

Highlight a Feature

Announce a new feature or highlight one to customers using a Prompt. You can link customers to the feature in your app, if your app supports deep linking.

Learn about how JetBlue uses Alchemer Prompts to address booking flow issues. 

Link a Survey from a Prompt

Prompts make it easier than ever to solicit feedback. If you have a new feature in your app customers are experiencing for the first time, you can use a Prompt to gather feedback through a Survey. Linking your Prompt to a Survey allows your customers to opt-in to the Survey, resulting in higher completion rates.

In 2019, the average response rate for a Prompt-linked survey was 54%. iOS apps saw a 50% response rate, and Android apps saw a 62% response rate. You read that right: at least half of all end-consumers across both operating systems responded to Prompt-linked surveys. The baseline for in-app survey response rates is around 1% across industries. 

You can read more on mobile engagement benchmarks in our 2023 Benchmark Report

Encourage App Updates

If you’ve released a new app version and want to encourage your customers to upgrade, use a Prompt to share the new version with them. 

Place your App Store URL in the URL field of the Prompt, and direct your customers to download the update easily.

Alert to Brick and Mortar Changes and Updates

New hours? New location? Let your customers know through an Alchemer Digital Prompt. 

Share a Coupon or Discount Code

Want to reward your most loyal customers? Give them a coupon code using a Prompt. By layering in Alchemer Digital's targeting, you can share a discount code with your most loyal, frequent customers, those who “Love” you (based on their answer to the Love Dialog or during a specific promotional period.

Want to learn more about targeting? Check out our video tutorial.

App Downtime Alerts

If your app is ongoing planned maintenance, alert your customers to the downtime. 

Invite Beta Testers

If you want to test out some features with a subset of your customers prior to a wide release, invite customers to a Beta group. Consider targeting your most active customers to join the Beta group, to get feedback from a more engaged population.

Follow on Social

Gain social media followers by promoting your accounts to customers with a Prompt. Link them to your Twitter, Instagram or other social feeds using the URL field. 

Download Other Apps

Use Prompts to cross-promote other apps – you can link customers to the App Store to download others apps in your portfolio. 

Promote an Event

Whether it’s an event like National Coffee Day, or the Oscars, promote it and share updates with customers in-app. You can link them to specific promotions or content built for the event using a deep-link.

Best Practices

Thoughtful Targeting

Depending on your message and what customers you’d like to reach, the key to delivering an impactful Prompt is to send it at the right moment and select your targeting thoughtfully. When selecting customer targets who will receive the Prompt and choosing where it will be displayed be sure to choose a place where your customer will not be interrupted. We share some tips for targeting here

Choose to display the Prompt at a time and place where customers will interact with it instead of simply dismissing it and moving on. The more Events you add within your app’s SDK, the greater the flexibility you’ll have to experiment with various locations.


Prompt Not Shown

Prompt are subject to all the same rules that other Alchemer Digital Interactions, like Surveys or the Love Dialog, must adhere to. Please refer to these sections of our main troubleshooting guides (iOS | Android).

Deep Link Not Working as Expected

Alchemer Digital Prompts support traditional ‘deep links’, but not ‘universal deep links’ (iOS) or ‘app links’ (Android). Though the names are quite similar, it’s important to differentiate between these kinds of deep links.

Today, Alchemer Digital Prompts can be set up to have a traditional deep link to take customers from one page of your app to another, while the app is already open, when a customer taps on a button. Each deep link schema is different, but they will typically look something like this: myapp://path/to/content.

iOS and Android both offer variants of deep links that Alchemer Digital does not currently support. On iOS, these are called ‘universal deep links’, while on Android they are called ‘app links’. These links can take customers from outside of the app directly into a specific page of the app. These links typically look more like a traditional URL. For example,

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