Alchemer Survey
[Update] - Launched two new Alchemer Survey integrations, Zendesk and Shopify. These integrations allow you to push survey data into these external systems or pull data from the external systems into Alchemer.
[Update] - Webhook endpoints must accept the connection request within 5 seconds and receive the data within 30 seconds.
[Update] - Added unsubscribe link to email headers to meet Google's new requirements.
[Update] - Default sort order (by survey response ID) restored for API V4/V5.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue with edit links within CSV/Excel exports of encrypted surveys.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue with SSO for survey respondents on Edit/SNC/Campaign links.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where filtering API responses by a response value would result in 400 error.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where .docx or .xlsx files uploaded to file upload question could not be accessed via Individual Responses.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where the private domains page only displayed the first 20 domains on an account.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue with domain creation endpoint in API V5.
Alchemer Digital
[Fix] - Additional cloning enhancements including fixing behavior for cloning “Has Seen Events” rules and several cloning bug fixes.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where new ticket tags appeared incorrectly in Zendesk integration setup.