Alchemer Web Release Notes

View the latest release notes for Alchemer Web.

5/29/24 Release

New Features

  • Advanced customer research support to show Alchemer long form surveys through prompts

9/14/23 Release

The events engaged when a consumer closes a survey have changed.

  • When a consumer closes a survey without clicking “Next” or “Submit” buttonsthe event com.apptentive#Survey#cancelis engaged.
  • When a consumer closes a survey without submitting but clicked has “Next” at least once, the event com.apptentive#Survey#cancel_partially is engaged.

Interaction targeting has been updated to apply to websites:

  • The How Often section for Love Dialogs now counts site visits instead of app launches and always shows once per person.
  • "Count in installed version" is no longer an option for Has Seen Event and Has Seen Interaction rules
  • You can now use operating system (Windows, macOS, etc.) rules to target segments based on OS Name and OS Version.

9/6/23 Release

  • The name of the “Android Back Button” customer action seen in Reporting is replaced with “Click Outside” but still works the same way.
Basic Standard Market Research HR Professional Full Access Reporting
Free Individual Team & Enterprise
Feature Included In