Use Signature Question Later in Survey

This script will allow you to use a signature question's input later in a survey.

Check it out in an example survey!


Add a survey with this setup to your account!


First set up your signature question. On a following page that you want your Signature Image to show up click Add New Action > Custom Script and paste the following script in that field.

signatureID = 2 --update with the ID to your signature question

data = getquestionruntimeproperty(signatureID,'Data')
dataAtoms = data['atoms']
signature = dataAtoms[0]['raw_value']['signature']
base64d = base64decode(signature)
signature = '<img src="' .. base64d .. '">'

Required Customizations

SignatureID - The highlighted 2 will need to be changed to the question ID of your signature question. To learn more about how to find the question ID check out our tutorial on Finding IDs.

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