Net Fan Score

Net Fan Score provides a high level, at-a-glance pulse of your application's health. Similar but more actionable than Net Promoter Score, Net Fan Score provides a single measure of customer sentiment based on aggregated Fan Signals data.

How is Net Fan Score Calculated?

Net Fan Score incorporates the totality of your Fan Signals® responses to generate a score for a selected date range, from -100 to 100. Fans add to the score, Risks subtract from it, and Shifts (those moving from Fan to Risk, and vice versa) carry twice the weight. This logic makes Net Fan Score highly responsive to changes and prevailing trends in sentiment across your customer base. 

Net Fan Score Benchmark

You can also use Net Fan Score to benchmark your app health to the industry average (Alchemer Digital apps of the same category). This Category Average score is updated according to the date range you define, making it possible to determine if changes to your customer sentiment are app-specific or part of broader, industry-wide trends.

How Can You Act on the Data

If you notice a change in your Net Fan Score, you can jump into the Fan Signals page to determine the root cause. If you want to know which customers have shifted away from you (or any other Fan Signal change), you can export a CSV using Fan Signals Export. You can also use In App Targeting to segment and re-target customers based on their Fan Signal for any of your interactions.

Benchmarks for Net Fan Score are currently only available in Alchemer Digital for iOS and Android platforms (not Web).

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