Alchemer Release Notes: April 18, 2023

Alchemer Workflow


[Update] – In Alchemer Workflow, for workflows that start with a Share Link, a new run will only begin when the respondent clicks on the link while the workflow is in an Active state.

[Update] – When adding a step to an If/Else Logic block in Alchemer Workflow by clicking on "Click to Add a Step or Drag a Step," the step will now be added inside the If or Else section.

[Update] – The "Survey Taker" quick fill option for the "To" email address in a Send Email or Survey Invite step has been removed. Instead, customers can use "Select a merge code" to choose the right survey step and email to use for the recipient.

[Update] – The Monitor tab in Alchemer Workflow now shows summary statistics for the number of currently completed and in progress runs, as well as the most common step that respondents are on for in progress runs. The statistics are for the current version you’re viewing.


[Fix] – In Alchemer Workflow, the “Close” button has been fixed so it’s completely visible in Send Email action settings.

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