Alchemer Digital Slack Integration Guide

Before setting up the Slack Integration for Alchemer Digital, you will need special permissions from your CSM. 

The Slack Integration for Alchemer Digital only applies to Message Center. This integration is not compatible with the Love Dialog or Surveys. 

This document describes how to set up the Alchemer Digital Slack Integration.

Connect Slack with Alchemer Digital

1. Go to the Alchemer Digital dashboard for the specific app you're connecting to the integration. 

This needs to be set up on an app-by-app basis.

2. Go to Settings > Integrations > open to dropdown for Slack. 

3. In a separate tab or window, open this URL to begin setting up the webhook in Slack.

You may be asked to sign into your Slack workspace at this time. Be prepared to provide your Slack workspace URL.

4. Click "Add Configuration." 

5. Next, select the Slack channel to which the new message notifications should be sent. You can send them to a preexisting channel, or create a new channel and select it from the dropdown.

6. Once selected, click "Add Incoming Webhooks integration". Once you do that, you should see a message in the Slack channel that the integration has been added. For example "added an integration to this channel: incoming-webhook"

7. Next, copy the "Webhook URL" field. 

8. Go back to the Integrations page of your Alchemer Digital Dashboard. Paste the Webhook URL in the text box. 

9. Set the Channel Name to match the webhook that you just set up (be sure to include the "#" or "@" character at the beginning). 

10. The "Username to Send Message As" field can be anything you like. 

We recommend making it something that clearly shows the name of the app and OS that you're setting the integration for. This will be useful for differentiating the source of messages, especially if multiple apps are integrated into the same Slack channel. For example, "Netflix iOS" could be the username for that app.

11. Click "Save" > set the slider to "Active" > click "Update". 

Test the Integration

The integration should now be active. Let's test it to make sure everything is routing correctly. 

  1. Launch Message Center on a test device or emulator, and send a message. 
  2. In a few seconds, you should see a that message appear within the designated Slack channel. Did it work? 


  • Verify that the Incoming Webhook is enabled. If you followed the above steps, it should already be enabled. If you need to check, go back to the Incoming Webhooks page and look for the one that you set up.
  • Ensure that the Webhook URL and Channel Name fields in your Alchemer Digital Dashboard match those that you just set up. If those are wrong, the messages will not be routed properly. 
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