Why Are Some Logic Operators Grayed Out?

When working with logic, you may run into a situation where certain logic operators are grayed out and not available to be selected.

Logic Operators Grayed Out/Unavailable

This is expected behavior in many cases -  it is an indication that some logic operators are not compatible due to one of the following reasons:

  • The logic operator is not compatible with the source question type. For example, if you are using a Radio Button question for your logic condition, you will not be able to use the contains operator which searches a string of text for a specific case-sensitive piece of text. Learn more about logic operators.
  • The logic operator is compatible with the question type, but a page break is required in order to be able to build the logic condition. This will always be the case if you are using negative operators such as is not answered. Alchemer does not know that a question is not answered until the survey page is submitted - only at that point can the logic condition be evaluated. Try adding a page break between the source question and the question you are wanting to trigger to make these operators available.

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