Alchemer Survey
[Update] - FTP/SFTP exports now send at a consistent time every night.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where 1500-character errors incorrectly appeared when editing the translation field.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where Google Sheets PUSH action intermittently fails despite reporting success.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where the Google Sheets action was formatting incorrectly in the Individual Responses Tab.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where not all answers were displaying in the response modal and the individual response PDF.
[Fix] - Cloning Crosstab elements from Bulk Edit now works as intended.
[Fix] - Survey download to Word question input option now works as intended.
[Fix] - Fixed appearance issues with response tables, when adding certain questions to the grid columns.
[Fix] - Ability to “delete all” surveys in trash now functions as intended.
[Fix] - In Shared Reporting, set to “Allow Answer Option Filtering” now functions as intended when using a Private Domain Link.
Alchemer Workflow
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where the default theme for a survey appeared broken while accessing the survey via the workflow share link.
[Fix] - Fixed an issue where accessing surveys via workflow will only display the default styling for surveys and ignores any style customizations.