Android SDK 6.0+ – Native

Documentation for the Android 6.0+ SDK.


Android Quick Start Guide
This guide helps you quickly start using Alchemer Mobile 6.0+ in your Android app.
Android Integration Guide
A complete guide to integrating Alchemer Mobile Android 6.0+ SDKs into your Apps.
Android SDK 5.x.x to 6.0+ Migration Guide
This guide is intended for app developers who have been using the Java-based Alchemer Mobile Android SDK and are migrating to the new Kotlin-based Android SDK.
Android 6+ Release Notes for Alchemer Mobile
View the latest release notes for the new Alchemer Mobile 6.0 SDK for Android.
Android Interface Customization
Migrating styling will be familiar, yet different. We have opened up more options for styling and kept most of the styling parameters while removing others in order to better support a wider range of styles.
Android UI Cookbook Overview
This article will share some custom designs and examples of how to translate them into Alchemer Mobile interactions using styles.
Android UI Cookbook Design 1
This article will share a custom design and code snippets of how to translate it into Alchemer Mobile interactions.
Android UI Cookbook Design 2
This article will share a custom design and code snippets of how to translate it into Alchemer Mobile interactions.
Android UI Cookbook Design 3
This article will share a custom design and code snippets of how to translate it into Alchemer Mobile interactions.